Best Handgun Training - certified by DOJ and NRA. #1 CCW Training program in Northern CA. Offering Concealed Weapons Permit and beginner handgun classes at a private range - all month and all year long. CCW training for Northern CA. (916) 744 6969
Schedule your training class with Best Handgun Training. Our online 24 hour appointment portal. Live and up-to-the-minute. (916) 295-8489
The Fequently Asked Questions page for CA CCW training classes, including the new laws for California.
The book that has it all. CCW laws and scenarios that every CA CCW permit holder must know. The first in the nation, you will not have any CCW questions after reading this.
Get your 8 hour CA approved CCW training class in these counties. Best Handgun Training in Lincoln, CA. (916) 744-6969
This 16 hour initial CCW training course is required to obtain your initial California CCW permit. DOJ certified and approved by your sheriff's department.
Obtain a Non-Resident Utah CCW permit which is valid and honored within 36 states, including Nevada. Provided by Best Handgun Training located in Lincoln, CA 916 295 8489
Course Fees for the Best CCW training around. Some of the lowest cost CCW training at top notch levels.
Our mission at Best Handgun Training. Safety is our most important concern for basic and CCW classes.
CCW Course of Fire for your specific county. The course of fire for Sacramento CCW is the same as BSIS standards and complies with Sacramento County Sheriff CCW training.
Senate Bill 2 enacted into law for 2024
Basic Handgun and CCW permit training information with Best Handgun Training located at 2270 Nicolaus Rd #109, Lincoln, CA 95648. Contact us at (916) 295-8489
Learn how to shoot safely with a professional trainer. Offered by Best Handgun Training in Lincoln, CA.
CCW training courses with Best Handgun Training satisfies Concealed Weapons Permit Training Requirements in 36 States. Initial & renewal CCW courses.
Get your El Dorado County 8 hour CCW renewal permit training. Initial and renewal CCW training. Not far from home, we are located in Lincoln, CA.
Nevada County CCW training. Offering CCW training for Nevada County residents several days per week. Not far from Home, and the BEST CCW training around. 16 hour Initial CCW and 8 hour renewal CCW training.
Placer County CCW training. Train with the BEST. Offering the 16 hour initial CCW training course and 8 hour CCW renewal training for Placer County. Best Handgun Training.
Sacramento County CCW training and permits. Initial and renewal training. Certified DOJ instructor. Attend our professional two day top notch 16 hour CCW training for Sacramento residents, or 8 hour CCW renewal.
San Joaquin County CCW training 16 hour initial and 8 hour renewal CCW. Not too far from home, BEST Handgun Training is located in Lincoln, CA and well worth the drive for this great CCW training course. Initial and renewal courses.
CCW permit training for Sierra County CCW permits. Initial 16 hour CCW and 8 hour CCW renewal permit training. Not too far from home, we are located in Lincoln, CA. Well worth the drive for this top-notch CCW training course.
Sutter County CCW training. Not far from home, we offer training several days per week. The BEST CCW training offered for Sutter County residents. 16 hour CCW Initial & 8 hour CCW renewal training.
Yolo County CCW permit training with Best Handgun Training. 16 hour initial CCW and 8 hour renewal CCW satisfies Yolo County Sheriff CCW training requirements, certified DOJ instructor.
Yuba County CCW permit training. Providing professional CCW training for 16 hour initial and 8 hour CCW renewal. Not far from home, we offer CCW training for Yuba County residents, several days per week.
Get the best CCW insurance available.
CA CCW - Good Cause letter is no longer required. CCW training for portions of Northern CA. Provided by Best Handgun Training (916) 295-8489
Here is a list of common reasons why a CCW permit is often denied in CA. Provided by Best Handgun Training.
Best Handgun training location. Training for CCW & Personal Protection. Indoor classroom and outdoor private range.
Selecting the best handgun for your use. Important options to consider before you purchase a handgun. Provided by Best Handgun Training (916) 295-8489
Here is the new and revised CA DOJ CCW application, provided as a courtesy from Best Handgun Training.
Contact Best Handgun Training at (916) 295-8489. Located at 2270 Nicolaus Rd #109, Lincoln, CA 95648. John A Taylor, Certified NRA and CA DOJ Instructor.
Here is my experience with Best Handgun Training classes in Lincoln, CA. Testimonials shared from other students. Now on Yelp and Facebook as well. Best Handgun Training reviews.
National Rifle Asscoiation certified courses offered by Best Handgun Training. Learn the elements of safe gun handling and Self Defense with Firearms.